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HeadWay, Issue #111 -- A Request
September 20, 2013

After 10 years - A Simple Request.


It's been ten years since HeadWay was first published.  In 111 issues, we've talked about many kinds of headaches and related disorders.  We've learned about new research and good and bad treatments.  We've talked about strategies for fighting back against migraine, cluster, and various other headache disorders.

I'm so thankful for those who have taken the time to email and let me know that they've found solutions, very often thanks to something they've read in HeadWay or in one of the articles we've shared online.

So today, after 10 years, I would like to make a request.  Not for me, but for all of us.

In 2006 a non-profit organization was started with the purpose of funding migraine research.

We've discussed the incredible lack of funding for migraine and headache research before (read Why is Headache Research Under-Funded?).  But today we have an organization that is doing something about it.

I know that many of us struggle with medical bills, and loss of income due to disabilty.  But today I'm asking you to give a small amount to help not only yourself, but all of us, and our children.

Below you can read briefly about some of the things that the Migraine Research Foundation has accomplished, and is accomplishing.  We're fighting back.

I'm asking you to give $5 today to support migraine research through the Migraine Research Foundation.

All the details are at the bottom of this newsletter.   Even though the MRF is in the USA, they support research all over the world.  So let's support them - from all over the world.

If all of our subscribers gave only $5, there would be $50,000 available for migraine research.  If a quarter of us gave $100, over $300,000 would be raised today.  Talk about accelerating the search for treatments that work!

Now is the time to fight back.  Don't rely on someone else to give.

A Glimpse at the work of the MRF

What kind of research has the MRF funded?  Let's take a quick look at some of the past and present research:
  • What impact does migraine have on children and teens, and how is current treatment helping?  (Cincinnati Children's Hospital)
  • How does the "cortical spreading depression" common in migraine influence migraine symptoms?  (University of CA & Imperial College London)
  • Could medication based on GLYX-13 slow or even stop a migraine attack?  (New York Medical College)
  • How might triptans lead to medication overuse headache?  (University of New England)
  • Is a gene mutation changing how estrogen functions, leading to more migraine attacks?  (Brigham Young University USA)
  • Could insulin be used in new migraine treatments to fight chronic migraine?  (Chicago Medical Center)
  • How do glutamate receptor gene variants change migraine symptoms?  (Institute of Genetics and Biophysics Italy)
  • Which genetic factors may impact migraine and cardivascular disease?  (Brigham and Women's Hospital Boston)
  • Does a certain molecule in the body help explain how migraine becomes chronic?  (University of Chicago Medical Center)
  • Could the drug ibudilast finally fight chronic migraine?  (University of Adelaide, Australia)
  • How can we use inhibitory transcranial alternating current stimulation to fight migraine?  (Georg-August University Germany)
  • How can we use a feature length documentary to raise awareness and promote migraine research?  (Human Arts Association New York)

It's Your Turn

Please give now to the Migraine Research Foundation.  I'm asking you to give $5 (about £3.15GBP, €3.75EUR, $5.40AUD, ¥30.60CNY), but if you can give more, thank you.

If you would like to encourage others to give, you can show your support (with your name or anonymously) by donating through FirstGiving.

On behalf of myself and my family, and the many who are disabled by headache and migraine, thank you.

Note:  I do not work for, and am not officially affiliated with the Migraine Research Foundation.  Not a penny of any donation goes to me.  In fact, the MRF has reminded us that "All our operating costs are underwritten so every dollar raised goes to fund migraine research and support sufferers."

Thanks for reading!  Remember, if you have feedback or ideas for future issues, visit the HeadWay MailRoom.  Your password is nomoache.
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