
by Karen

Photo shows the pain during a migraine.

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Jan 21, 2011
I know that look......
by: Rosemarie

I too suffer from daily migraines. WOW why can't they find a cure or find the reason for this severe trobbing pain in my head?

If my doctor would tell me that I have to live the rest of my life with this pain in my head I would tell him that I don't want to live any longer.

Jan 04, 2011
by: Erin

While I get my migraine pain in the occipital region of my head instead of around the eye, this is so incredibly reflective of how I feel when a migraine hits. The agony, the loss of focus, the feeling of unreality, and the sense that no one can really see what I'm suffering -- you've really captured it. Obviously, I don't want to see anyone else suffering like I do, but in a way it's nice to know I'm not alone. Thanks for sharing your talent and your pain.

Jan 01, 2011
The Look
by: James

Greaet job! I love the way you put in the distortion, and yet still managed to capture the look on her face.

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