Personal Hell

by Nicole W.
(Ontario, Canada)

Personal Hell

Personal Hell

I was dealing with my fourth day in a row of having a migraine. Nothing was helping the pain, so I decided to pain some pictures. This is one of them. It depicts my symptoms during the attack (head pain, nausea, despair etc).

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Oct 17, 2015
Still fighting the good ol' fight
by: Nicole W.

I haven't posted in quite some time, but I love hearing of others fight with migraines.
I haven't painted in quite some time and suddenly have some more inspiration!
TThings remain the same for me with 1 or 2 migraines a week on average. I have one starting up as I write this.

I hope everyone is doing okay and fighting the good ol' fight against migraines!

Jun 08, 2012
32 years with migraines
by: Krissygirl333

Yep, that long....sigh.
I've been on everything. But, I no longer have the severe migraines like I did when I was young. I take Topamax to lessen the intensity. It does help that. I take imitrex as soon as I feel one starting. You have to get on it early, it it doesn't work. There are many meds out there, you have to have a good Neurologist who specializes with them. I Have other meds to take if those aren't working. I do take Cymbalta also, a serotonin uptake. Serotonin plays a role in migraines. Us sufferers are a mess! When I was 19 and first got mine, I never thought at 51 I'd still be getting them. Oh, and I get Botox , 20 injections every three months. It helps Lot, but wears off in two. Awful disorder, my mom had them and my grandmother, runs in families you know! Good luck to all, and I feel sorry to all who don't have insurance, I was there once and paid a lot for meds. Xoxoxo, Krissy

May 30, 2012
Thank You!
by: Nicole W.

Thanks so much all of you. I'm so glad that you guys could relate to my painting. It is hard to find others who can relate fully to what migraines can do to you, not only physically - but emotionally and spiritually too. I loved reading all of your comments! While I haven't found any relief as of yet and continue to have 1-2 severe migraines a week, it keeps me grounded to know I'm not alone. I hope my painting helped you all! I'm going to keep making art with a migraine theme in hopes to help other sufferers know they aren't alone in the battle.

May 15, 2012
cranio-sacral therapist
by: Anonymous

Had migraines all my life and I am now 65. Taken everything at one time or another. My suggestion to you all is to find a skilled cranio-sacral therapist and go to several sessions. See what happens. In my case years of bodywork have delivered me from that particular hell. Still get one once in a great while and usually after abusing myself with sugar/alcohol late in day or night and wake up in pain.

May 13, 2012
I Started Crying
by: Anonymous

When I read your words, I got tears.
I have had migraines for 3 days at a time.
I have tried Topomax & my boss "wrote me up". He didn't know who I was.
Can't take triptans because of a brain aneurysm.
Going to try nasal spray next.
All of us feel your pain.
My prayers are with all of you.

Apr 20, 2012
Looking for a MIRACLE1
by: Anonymous in FloridaL

I can totally relate to your depiction. Going through my own personal hell. I haven't been out of bed in three months. Drs. have more or less giving up on me. No preventatives have helped, and I have tried them all. Just had botox, hasn't worked. I'm in rebound and looking for a way out. Crying out to Jesus, my only hope anyway! Wish you well!

Apr 19, 2012
:( empathizing in canada!!!
by: Anonymous

Love the Painting.... I have had them the worst I remember in years the past 3 months.... today is the first day I have been completely migraine free in 90 days! It spurred me to get back onto Topamax, which I have been on in the past, and DOES work ( hence, likely my Migraine free day today...) BUT the cost of being on it is HUGE . and I don't mean financial.... I have nick-named it " stupa-max" because it is BRUTAL on my cognition. I can hardly form a sentence when speaking some days, my memory is nill, and the list goes on.... As a result... I will likely only stay on it short term...but HAD to try something to break that vicious cycle ( as you well know...) what a prison Migraines can be. On the other hand.... i sure DO APPRECIATE a day that is free from one, in a way that I don't think is possible for a " normie" :) Hope you feel well soon.... I know it can take days to recoop even when the M is finally gone!

Apr 19, 2012
Really sorry!
by: Anonymous

I'd had migraines like everybody usually has them - wake up in the morning sick and there goes the day. However, several years ago I got sick one morning and the migraine didn't go away for three months. I worked all but one week of those three months but was horribly sick. It's miserable and I'm sorry you're having a bad time. My meds keep mine at bay but don't stop them entirely.

Apr 19, 2012
Natural Path
by: Anonymous

Went to a Natural Path. Migraines are a thing in the past now. Payed out of pocket relief from migraine hell priceless!!

Mar 30, 2012
Hello fellow sufferer
by: Korin

Hi there,

truly hope you have found some respite.

Your pic made me feel less lonely in my migraine plight. Sometimes it's so hard to keep on fighting and living with the migraine.

My best wishes to you from the UK

Mar 18, 2012
by: Mark

We all feel your pain, what meds have you tried? Topamax worked pretty well for me, but the Botox injections which is covered by my insurance was a true miracle for me. I sincerely hope that you find lasting relief, because you deserve it!

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