Seeing Sounds

by Betzi
(San Diego, California, United States)

before i get a migraine, i get synesthetic auras. i see different colors and shapes depending on what i hear or what i'm feeling, although i also see things during auras for no apparent reason. this picture is the sound of my fishtank in colored pencil. :) the crescent made up of various figures isn't really part of the sound, (it just hangs out in my field of vision now and then) but i didnt want to draw around it, so i drew it in. I'm not sure if i like getting migraines or not, they're interesting, but i get them usually once or twice a day and it makes school difficult. They're amazing art inspiration though!

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Nov 07, 2010
beauty among the wreckage
by: kiwiEJ

I get the exact same thing! just as you have described it! It's my inspiration to write and paint!

I used to experiece this kind of aura when I was a little kid with silent migraine, I'm a very visual person and used to tell my mum that my eyes were telling me stories!

I try my best to be a "glass half full" sort of person and I think that, migraine despite being a nasty disorder, it is beautiful! I think sometimes we forget that... despite the pain and the garbled speech (for me I now get regular hemiplegic migraine) it's important to take note of the beauty, it's a one of a kind beauty, and for me at least, it is never the same as the last!

I hope you find relief soon though, and plenty of rest!

And remember that even the ugliest things have their hidden beauty! =D

Aroha Nui (much love)


Oct 03, 2010
I am Instantly Become an Artist and Get Paid
by: SalmaKita

This migraine, I feel it in 4 to 6 days in a week since Junior High School.

I can't believe I am alive. I never feel that "alive."

During the first years, I saw aura. But now, only terrible pain and patterns. I started drawing my patterns few years ago and now I run my own business selling veil with my designs I got when pain attacking. And now my business is growing well..

But still, I never that alive, I feel I live in my own world, with patterns.

Jul 21, 2010
sound synethesia
by: Anonymous

it was so nice just now to come across this beautiful art and your explanation. i have mild synaesthesia along with the migraine with aura and i see the two closely linked, though i enjoy the sound synaesthesia if my eyes are closed even when i dont have aura. without medication i have numerous aura disturbances most days of the week. it is debilitating. the topirimate preventer worked so well but it robbed me of my visuals - i wondered if it was worth it sometimes and have just changed to amitriptilyne - some colour is returning. i also feel pain in colours (shades of red-orange, black and white). it was so strange, and humbling, to find out that this wasnt 'normal' and something everyone else had. i wish i could put my experience into an artform i could share with others like you have :-) thank you.

Jul 20, 2010
that's beautiful and interesting
by: Anonymous

thank you for sharing it -- i've been experiencing the same type of migraine and you've described it perfectly. take care.

Jul 19, 2010
Art Experience
by: James

Thanks for sharing your experiences with us. I imagine "difficult" is an understatement! Hope you can find some relief (from the symptoms, not from the art!).

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