Migraine Headache Medicines

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If you're looking for information on preventative migraine medications, click here.

It's easy to reach for migraine headache medicines when your head is pounding. But is that really what you need? Here's some information that you need to consider before you pop another pill. There's more to the story than the common medicine cabinet will tell you.

Migraine Headache Medicines
...and the rest of the story

One thing that many people don't realize is that migraine headache is only one possible symptom of migraine.  Yes, you can have a migraine attack with no headache at all!  Symptoms may include things like vertigo, visual problems, nausea, tingling sensations, congestion, even stomach pain.  So if you're just attacking the headache, you may be missing out.

Many people haven't taken the time to even be properly diagnosed.  If you have new headache symptoms, you need to go to a doctor you trust.  Migraine medication may be very different from the common headache medications most people use.  And it may be far more effective, because it's designed for migraine and not just the headache itself.

Many medications carry the risk of rebound headache.  As your body gets used to the medication, you may get more and more headaches.  The pills will take away the headache for a time, but then it will come back, and you need to take another pill.  It's a vicious cycle.

So what should I do?

Migraine Headache Medicines
...and other alternatives

Of course there are a lot of alternatives to migraine headache medicines. As mentioned, there are more targeted migraine medications. But there are also non-drug solutions that in some cases may work even better.

First, there are lifestyle changes. Knowing and identifying what triggers an attack may help you to avoid those things. There are foods that commonly trigger migraine attacks, and also foods that may fight them. Exercise can be an excellent way to lessen your attacks and give you the ability to cope with them better.

There are many excellent herbal treatments, and other supplements that have been clinically proven to fight migraine. This includes things like feverfew and 5-HTP.

Third, there are other non-drug therapies that have been very successful, including biofeedback, chiropractic treatment, and physiotherapy.

What should I do?

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