my chronic daily migraine

by Stephanie
(United States)

the only life I remember

the only life I remember

I've had chronic daily migraine for at least five years (along with two or three acute migraines each month). I don't even remember what it's like to not be without a headache. Most of the time, school is a struggle, although thankfully, I'm home schooled - so I can be flexible each day, and get done what I can. My neurologist tells me that I'm supposed to be exercising, although I haven't been - it's really hard for me to get motivated - and right now, going off a preventive medicine, I've been sick for about a week and a half. That makes it really hard to do anything, because I couldn't even sit up in bed without getting sick. Unfortunately, most of the time I don't feel like laughing or even getting together with friends. I have hope though - maybe, in a few months, I will be feeling better. Until then, I can only dream.

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